Uterine Fibroids Treatment

What is Uterine Fibroids?
In women’s uterus, sometimes an abnormal growth occurs known as fibroids which are also referred to as tumors that develop with fibrous connective tissue and muscle cells. The tumors’ size sometimes grows large, thereby causing severe abdominal pain and heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle. It is quite tough to identify fibroids as it is asymptomatic. However, it is non-cancerous.
As per the research, almost 80% of women tend to have fibroid growth, which is different in rate. Treatments are available which can help you to get relief. Fibroids are also named Uterine myomas, Leiomyomas, Fibromas, and Myomas.
Essential facts about Fibroids:
By now, we all are aware of fibroid. But, still, there are specific vital facts that you need to know. Such as,
- Fibroids are non-cancerous tissue masses, developed generally inside the uterus wall or surface.
- The size of fibroids differs. Sometimes they are like seeds and sometimes like the size of a watermelon.
- At times, fibroid gives several symptoms and sometimes none. Some of the common symptoms include painful intercourse, pain in the pelvic area, etc.
There is a specific risk factor present while developing fibroids in the uterus and pelvis. The risk factors include,
- The risk of getting obese or overweight becomes much higher.
- Any woman can have fibroids at any age.
- Generally, it occurs at the age of 30 to 50 years and undergoes menopause.
These are the essential facts that you should know about the problem.
If uterine fibroids are your concern, consult Dr. Jay Mehta, Fibroid Surgeon in Mumbai, and his team for comprehensive treatment. Our experienced gynecologists in Mumbai specialize in fibroid removal surgery.
Who gets fibroids?
Fibroids are a tumor, also known as myomas or leiomyomas. They are non-cancerous and have very little chance to develop into cancer. It is common in women during the childbearing years, and it may grow along the wall of the cavity as well as into the uterus.
Many women might have uterine fibroids sometime during their lives. More than 30% of women in the country develop fibroids at some point in their life. Mostly, the problem appears to those who have ages between 30 to 50 years. Obese women or women who have overweight have a high tendency to develop fibroids in the uterus. Because of overweight, the estrogen level (a female sex hormone) increases, and as a result, the chance of developing fibroids also increases.
There is a lower chance of developing fibroids who have a baby. It will decrease the likelihood of developing fibroids when you have more than one baby.
Types of Fibroids
There is a variety of Fibroids which are classified based on the location of the uterus. Hence, it is essential to know the type of fibroids. So, let us have a look below:
- Intramural fibroids
These are the most commonly occurring fibroids in women’s uterus. You can generally notice them appearing in the uterus’s muscular cells. This fibroid tends to grow larger and more shape, thereby stretching your womb.
- Subserosal Fibroids
It is also known as a serosa. This fibroid generally occurs in the outer part of the uterus. This also tends to grow larger, and hence the womb appears significant on one scale.
- Pedunculated Fibroids
At times, a stem is noticed by the growth of the subserosal tumor to provide support, known as a pedunculated fibroid. It generally appears like a slender base.
- Submucosal Fibroids
This is rarely formed that you can notice. It generally appears at the middle layer of the uterus.
These are some of the essential types of fibroids that you should be aware of. Various factors lead to fibroid growth, such as hormones if there is any family history, or during pregnancy. Hence, it would be best if you took proper measures if you do not have a fibroid. And in case you have a fibroid, you must undergo appropriate treatment so that it does not lead to something severe.
Nowadays, there are various diagnostic measures with the help of which you can quickly identify fibroid and undergo the necessary treatment that is needed.
Book Your Consultation Today With an Uterine Fibroids Specialist in Mumbai – Dr Jay Mehta
Causes for Uterine Fibroids to Grow
It isn’t easy to find out the actual cause of forming fibroids in the uterus. Gynecologists have failed to explain why fibroids increase and shrink in size. Let’s check out some of the major factors for which the problem appears.
- Hormone Factor
The two hormones, estrogen, and progesterone stimulate the uterine lining development during each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy and promote the fibroids’ growth.
- Genetic Changes
Some researchers say that fibroids could be hereditary as many fibroids contain changes in genes that differ from those in normal uterine muscle cells. However, there is no conclusive evidence of this.
- Growth Factors
Some substances help the body maintain tissues, such as insulin-like growth factors that might affect fibroids’ growth.
- Pregnancy
You might have a question in your mind about the relationship between pregnancy and fibroids. Fibroids usually do not interface with getting pregnant; however, it is possible that fibroids, especially submucosal fibroids, can be a reason for infertility or pregnancy loss. and some sizeable intramural fibroids that are more than 4 cm can affect fertility.
Risks of uterine fibroids during pregnancy
It may also raise the risk of certain pregnancy complications such as abruption, fetal growth restriction of the baby, preterm delivery, etc. Let’s check out the dangers of uterine fibroids during pregnancy.
- Restrict Fetal Growth:
When the fibroids’ size increases, the length of the womb decreases, and as a result, it prevents the embryo from growing.
- Placental Abruption:
When the fibroid blocks the uterine wall, the placental abruption has occurred. It may reduce the nutrients and oxygen, which is a vital component of your body.
- Preterm Delivery:
When the size of the fibroids increases, you feel pain. This pain leads to uterine contractions. It leads to early delivery.
- Breach Position:
Sometimes, the baby may not be able to align for a standard delivery because of the cavity’s abnormal shape.
- Cesarean Delivery:
According to the researchers, women who have fibroids are six to seven times more likely to need a cesarean delivery than those who do not have this type of issue in their bodies.
- Miscarriage:
The chances of miscarriage are doubled in women who have suffering from this problem.
Symptoms of Fibroids
The symptoms of fibroids may vary. The symptoms of fibroids depend upon the size, location, and several tumors. Sometimes, women don’t know they have uterine fibroids as they cause no symptoms. A doctor might discover uterine fibroids incidentally during a pelvic examination or prenatal ultrasound. But in symptomatic women, the most common symptoms are as follows:
- Very and heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle.
- Longer than the usual menstrual period that is more than seven days.
- There might be a bloated feeling in the lower abdominal area.
- There would be a feeling of pressure or even pain in the pelvic region.
- A woman having fibroids may be due to constipation.
- There might be an increased urge to urinate frequently.
- You might feel pain during sex.
- Difficulty in conceiving is infertility.
- The reproductive issue includes miscarriage, preterm delivery, etc.
Here we would like to say that having any of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you may have fibroids. These are the general symptoms and could be due to other reasons as well. Hence, it is recommended that whenever you find any of these symptoms, consult a gynecologist in Mumbai, and he may do the necessary tests to confirm the diagnosis.
How are Fibroids Diagnosed?
Most of the time, fibroids are initially diagnosed with ultrasound. They can then be interpreted from a fertility standpoint by either a saline infusion sonogram or Hysterosalpingogram (HSG).
To confirm whether you have fibroids or not, the doctor does some necessary tests such as Hysterosalpingography, Blood test, ultrasound test, etc.
Treatment for Uterine Fibroids
Treatment is recommended only if it causes any symptoms. If you have symptoms, it’s best to consult a doctor who specializes in uterine fibroid treatment in Mumbai, and he will suggest the best treatment plan according to the size and position of the fibroid.
- If the fibroid is well away from the cavity it is not changing the shape of the cavity at all, and it is not causing you any other symptoms, there is no reason you need to have it taken out. So, doctors typically recommend that you have the fibroid taken out if it is changing the shape of the cavity or causing some of the other symptoms.
- Some doctors recommend the wait-and-watch technique to ascertain if treatment is required or not. Some suggest medications regulate your menstrual cycle or treat symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure. Medication will help to shrink the size of the fibroids. There are various medications available.
- Among them are Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH), agonists. They treat fibroids by the production of estrogen and progesterone, putting you into a temporary postmenopausal state. As a result, menstruation stops, fibroids shrink, and anemia often improves in patients.
- Another essential medical treatment is a progestin-releasing IUD can relieve heavy bleeding caused by fibroids.
- One more treatment for fibroids is Hysterectomy. This is the removal of the uterus and a permanent solution to prevent fibroids, which are usually indicated if the patient’s family is completed.
- A non-invasive procedure is performed using an ultrasound transducer to destroy the fibroids, which is the latest technology. It is also known as Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasonographic. In this process, the fibroid tissues are routed using ultrasound rays.
- Another minimally invasive procedure is uterine artery embolization to destroy the fibroids.
Hence, these are the different treatment options available depending on the number of fibroids, size of the fibroids, symptoms of the patient, and age group of the patient.
Medical treatment for fibroids
There are also other medications available that decrease the size of the fibroids as well as bleeding loss. A doctor may recommend a Myomectomy – a procedure to remove the fibroids. This procedure can be performed either laparoscopically or through open surgery, depending upon the fibroid’s size and the location of the fibroid.
Surgery for Fibroids
Fibroids are typically removed in one of two ways. You can either have them removed by having surgery, either laparoscopically or an open surgery where they make an incision in the belly and have the fibroids removed. In the surgery, the laparoscopic doctor put a little camera inside the uterus and looked around. One can see the whole fibroid. The recovery time is even faster in this situation.
Check out the testimonials from our patients about their journey with Dr. Jay Mehta
Cost of uterine fibroid surgery in Mumbai
The cost of uterine fibroid surgery is dependent on the type of surgery required. For example, if you want to do a Hysterectomy, it will cost around 1,85,000 in Indian rupees. This is the latest technology to remove a fibroid. Another surgery such as Myomectomy, Endometrial Ablation will cost up to 1,65,000 to 1,70,000.

Dr. Jay Mehta
MBBS, DNB – Obstetrics & Gynecology
IVF & Endometriosis Specialist, Laparoscopic Surgeon (Obs & Gyn)
Dr. Jay Mehta is a renowned IVF specialist and fertility-preserving surgeon in Mumbai, India. He is the Director of Shree IVF and Endometriosis Clinic, as well as the Director of Uterine Transplant in Global Hospitals, Mumbai. He is a leading laparoscopic gynecologist in India for endometriosis and adenomyosis..
He is a well-known Fertility and IVF Specialist and also among few doctors in the country who specializes in Embryology and Andrology. He operates India’s major cities including Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Agra, Delhi etc.
To book an appointment, call: 1800-268-4000 or fill out our contact form
Google Reviews

Jyoti Naresh Walmiki
In 2017 during pregnacy we got to know that I have large uterine fibroid, I underwent laparoscopic fibroid removal with Dr.Jay Mehta.Its excellent recovery.
Excellent facilities and Excellent staff with affordable charges.
Thanku so much Dr.Jay Mehta.

Aditi Jain
We were referred to Dr Jay Mehta’s clinic by several family doctor friends in Indore for fibroid treatment. They were able take us in with minimum delay and also operate sooner than expected. The facility is very good. The building is currently undergoing construction on the outside so we were a little concerned but out concerns went away as soon as we entered the facility. The staff was also very helpful throughout our time at the hospital. Overall Dr Jay Mehta is very knowledgeable and experienced laparoscopic surgeon and was able to treat us very professionally and expertly. Would recommend to anyone in india and abroad.

Kavita Raikuvar
I had large central fibroid, in report it was showing around 18cm but while operating it was found to be 20 cm which took approx 4.5 hours of surgery by 3D laparoscopy. I was completely in safe hand and good care was taken of mine from getting admitted to discharge that was within 48 hours. Excellent service and good support from staff.

Jitendra Jain
My wife was diagnosed with huge fibroid and her tummy was looking like she is pregnant,which ever doctor we have visited have advised that she have to undergo surgery which will have big cut on her tummy,qfter visiting many doctors we have met Dr jay mehta,who us the only one who told who can operate by laparoscopy,and did it with just 3holes,and to our surprise4hrs after surgery she was walking and got dischargedby night,Doctor is reallydynamic and had great experience wid him

Krupa Sheth
I have been diagnosed with large fibroid to my surprise, I was scared and confused. I want to thank Dr Jay and his team who took care by doing laparoscopy surgery for the fibroid.

Sakshi Ghude
I got operated here for my surgery of removing uterus with a massive huge fibroid. The entire surgery was removed in laproscopy. It was so big. My recovery is super fast.I am thankful to Dr. Jay Mehta.God bless him

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