High DNA Fragmentation Treatment | Dr. Jay Mehta
UPDATED ON 23th MAR. 2023
Dr Jay Mehta
Scientific Director & IVF Specialist with 10+ years of experience
High DNA Fragmentation Treatment
This blog will discuss the treatment options for patients with High DNA fragmentation. Whenever the DNA fragmentation value is above 25%, we call it a high DFI. There are two primary causes of high DFI fragmentation:
- Testicular cause: No specific cause was found
- Post-testicular cause: Obesity, Infection, smoking, Alcoholism or Hormonal imbalance
In testicular cause the testes produce defective sperm. Although there is no solution for this issue, we have observed in some rare instances that patients have Grade 3 or 4 Varicocele.
In these cases, there is a 30-50% chance that your DFI might reduce after the Varicocele surgery. Apart from that, there is no other treatment option available.
So if you have tried everything and still your DFI is not improving, you are left with the straightforward option, ICSI.
Apart from this, we commonly prescribe anti-oxidants to our patients. As I have already mentioned, numerous anti-oxidants are available in the market, e.g. Dabur Chyawanprash and many other antioxidant tablets.
You will have to take these tablets for at least 3 to 6 months. Around 25% of the patients are benefited after completing the course of 3 to 6 months.
If you have excessive weight, you should focus on reducing your weight. You should also stop or at least cut down on your smoking and drinking habits.
If you have hormonal issues, you must take the appropriate hormonal treatment.
It’s important to note here that almost 60% of the males won’t benefit from any treatment. For these individuals, the only option is ICSI. Even IUI won’t deliver any productive results.
A lot of patients might feel that having a good sperm count makes them eligible for IUI, but that’s not correct.
In a nutshell, even after multiple treatments for improving DFI, IUI won’t do any good If you are dealing with persistent infertility.

” Every individual and couple’s journey is unique, and
finding the right solutions tailored to their specific
circumstances can make all the difference “
Wrapping up
Consulting a specialist might help you achieve good results if you are dealing with DNA Fragmentation. Only they can guide you in the right direction.
We hope this brief introduction to the treatment of High DNA Fragmentation was insightful. If you have any queries or doubts, feel free to reach out to us.
We are always up and ready to assist you.
Dr Jay Mehta
Scientific Director & IVF Specialist with 10+ years of experience
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