Breaking Barriers: Microsurgical Treatments for Azoospermia
Learn how to cope when IVF doesn’t succeed with insights from Dr. Jay Mehta, an experienced IVF specialist in Mumbai. Explore valuable guidance & next steps.
Azoospermia: Why Stem Cell Therapy Remains in Research
Stem cell therapy has emerged as a promising frontier in medical science, particularly for challenging reproductive health issues.
How to Get Pregnant with PCOS?
Having PCOS doesn’t mean you can’t have a baby. PCOS symptoms may be managed with diet, exercise, and medication, but it is essential that you maintain healthy body weight
How PCOS is Treated?
PCOS is a major contributor to infertility and has been connected to various other health issues. Modifying your lifestyle and using medicinal interventions may help you control your symptoms
Menstrual cramps, Painful periods | Is it endometriosis or adenomyosis?
Adenomyosis and endometriosis are the leading causes of severe menstrual cramping in women
Different Types of Treatment Options Used for Adenomyosis
Treatment options for adenomyosis include hormonal therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, hysterectomy, and uterine artery embolization
Understanding Testicular Microlithiasis
Testicular microlithiasis is a condition where small clusters of calcium or stones develop in the testicles. It can be identified through an ultrasound of the scrotum
When to Resume Treatment After a Failed IVF Attempt
If a fresh Embryo transfer is planned for the subsequent cycle, it is advisable to wait for a resting phase of 2 to 3 months
Ray of Hope for HIV-Positive Couples | Parenthood through IVF
IVF can be successfully performed even if both partners are HIV-positive. If only one partner is HIV-positive, the couple can safely consider IUI, IVF, or ICSI